
雅思口语 2019-06-27阅读(1775)


  Describe a piece of good news you heard from TV or the Internet.

  You should say:

  what the news was about

  when you got this news

  where you got this news from

  and explain why you think it was a good piece of news.

  I once read a piece of good news on the website of the New York Times. It was two years ago, I was still a journalism student and one of my tutors assigned me to do a presentation for my news-gathering course. The time limit was five minutes and it was supposed to be a critique, i.e., stating clearly what was good and bad about the story.


  So I started preparing for my assignment. I was skimming through pages and clicking around when this article caught my eye. Basically, it was about a high school student who got bullied because he stuttered. The news story was a good one because it wasn’t what I expected it to be — a one-sided story that went on about the poor boy.

  This piece was actually rather fair and balanced. It tried to show the readers what had happened to the stutterer and they gave the alleged bullies a chance to give their side of the story. From the journalistic perspective, it was a neat one.


上一篇:新航道在线讲解,雅思考试听力如何从5分提到6.5? 下一篇:在线托福培训:写作健康类用词技巧分析

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