
雅思阅读 2019-06-11阅读(1378)


  Test 2 Reading Passage1

  1.①To make things worse, ②the rate of people ③who turned to crime ④to make a living ⑤increased.

  翻译:更糟糕的是, 那些选择以犯罪手段谋生的人增多了。


  ①To make things worse 作为整句的状语出现

  ②the rate of people 本句的主语,其中of people作为rate的后者定语出现

  ③who turned to crime 用来修饰people的定语从句

  ④to make a living 作为从句中谓语动词turned (to)的状语

  ⑤increased 本句的谓语动词


  [①To make things worse,] ②the rate (of people) [③who turned to crime (④to make a living)] ⑤increased.

  2.①There ②were ③many ships ④looking for ⑤crew members ⑥who would risk a months-long voyage across a vast ocean.



  ①There ②was ③many ships 此处为there be 句型;语法规则中,many ships 为真正的主语,were为谓语动词;there为状语,因此there be 句型本质为倒装句型,理解为(某处)有(某物)即可。

  ④looking for 作为many ships的后置定语,原为定语从句which look for ……的省略形式

  ⑤crew members 作为定语从句中的谓语动词look for的宾语

  ⑥who would risk a months-long voyage across a vast ocean.作为crew members 的后置定语从句


  ①There ②were ③many ships [④looking for ⑤crew members (⑥who would risk a months-long voyage across a vast ocean.)]

  3.①A few days ②after arrival at Botany Bay, ④their original location, ⑤the fleet ⑥moved to ⑦the more suitable Port Jackson ⑧where a settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.

  翻译: 几天后,殖民者们的舰队转移到更适合生存的杰克逊港, 并于1788年1月26日在那里的悉尼海湾建立了定居点。


  ①A few days 本句状语

  ②after arrival at Botany Bay 介词短语做days的后置定语

  ④their original location 作为Botany Bay的同位语

  ⑤the fleet 主语

  ⑥moved to 谓语动词

  ⑦the more suitable Port Jackson 宾语

  ⑧where a settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788 作为Port Jackson的定语从句


  ①A few days (②after arrival at Botany Bay,) (④their original location,) ⑤the fleet ⑥moved to ⑦the more suitable Port Jackson (⑧where a settlement was established at Sydney Cove on 26 January 1788.)


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